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Results for "page/20" (8 of 30)
May 13, 2011

Stylex Picks: The Story of Eames Furniture

…with John Neuhart. Though a hefty 800 pages, it cleverly, and rather technically, tells the story of the Eameses and how their furniture became some of the most famous modern…


Still Power Assembly Instructions

page Image E). 3. Route jumpers through corners and use wire ties to attach to corner glides (following page Image G). 4. When routing through a screen without power, jumpers…


Welcome Price List

20.5” (18”) E. 32” F. 23” A. 29.5” B. 18” C. 15” D. 20” (18.5”) E. 43.5” F. 23” A. 18” B. 19” C. 15” D. 20.5” (18”) E. 32”…


Ridge Price List

…A. 18” B. 20” C. 12.5” D. 30.5” E. 31.5” F. 32” G. 23.5” A. 17.7” B. 20” C. 12.5” D. 30.2” E. 31.5” F. 32” G. 23.5” Design Aodh…



The Cala family of tables embodies refinement and versatility, echoing a timeless spirit of artistry. Whether amplifying the playful atmosphere or dialing it down, Cala offers designers the flexibility to create spaces that are both functional and visually captivating.

December 10, 2010

SAVA Chair Receives 2010 Good Design Award

Media Contact: Chris Abbate/Kristin Coleman Novità Communications 718.783.3160/718.857.3782 STYLEX WINS AGAIN! (Chicago, IL – December 2010) Stylex is pleased to announce that the Chicago Athenaeum Museum of Architecture and Design…

October 14, 2011

NeoCon 2011

…on the ever-changing landscape of product specification as impacted by new, developing technologies. Jenny Rector, Business Development Director of Designer Pages moderated the prestigious group of panelists, which included Paul…